Artist Spotlight & An Interview With Demeter Wu.

Demeter Wu_Concept Art_20201225_6851_Fable Hatch.jpg

All Images the right and property of ©Demeter Wu, or the individual copyright holder.  Reach out to Demeter Wu.EmailFacebook, Instagram.

Originally from Hong Kong, Demeter Wu is an incredible digital artist, with everything about her art style, use of colors, lighting, and shading being perfect. As a concept artist, Demeter has a strong anime/manga genre-influenced style. Wu focuses mainly on female characters, affording each one of them a fanciful vibe. Bright colors, cute girls galore, and expressive eyes are the aesthetic you get from this digital artist. Her concept art characters almost feel like the manga version of Disney princesses. Even better, Wu creates some of the most incredible backgrounds and sceneries, elevating her depictions to new heights.

Wu is well-versed in a range of modern digital art tools, including Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, After Effects, PaintTool SAI, and Clip Studio Paint, which she uses to bring her work to life. With a humble following of over 11000 followers (which is quickly growing) on ArtStation, Wu opens herself to work by keeping her audience updated with her latest works. Currently, she works as a freelance illustrator. So if you are looking for a character designer or concept artist, Wu is worth checking out. 

Be sure to follow Wu on her socials to see more of her work in digital illustration. Trust us. There’s a mountain of stuff to enjoy from this digital artist. 


What City, State & Country do you currently live in?: Hong Kong
What is your primary art application?: Clip Studio Paint
What are some of the other mediums, or applications you use?: Currently almost only use CSP
What are some of your favorite reference materials?: Photography, other artists works (as inspiration), mainly digital based.
Do you have any artistic weaknesses that you're actively working on to improve?: Actually I think I am not very strong in many aspects, but some aspects that I am currently working on are shapes, value and composition.
What made you want to become an artist?: I was inspired by some other artists' works that were so emotional and conveyed interesting stories. I also want to create works that tell stories and can make people feel how I feel.
What are some of your favorite things to draw and paint?: Characters with interesting lighting, blowing long hair, faces
What artistic accomplishments do you see yourself achieving in the next five to 10 years?: Apart from getting over some of my artistic weaknesses, I hope I could finally creating works (series) telling the stories of my original characters. I hope I could be capable of creating a world for them. There's a lot I need to master before I can do this though.
Who are some of your favorite concept artists, or illustrators that you draw inspiration from?: Rella, ASK, Guweiz, Amei Zhao, 82PIGEON...and many many more
Did you have any professional training? If so, what schools, or classes did you attend? If not, what process did you use to achieve your level of artistic talent?: I took some online courses by Krenz after working as a freelance illustrator. I had been relying on my own before that my I found it very ineffective and I was kind of lost. After attending his online courses, I felt I could proceed with a clearer mind and knew better about what I should do.
What is an interesting bit of personal info about yourself you could share with our readers?: Tai Chi is commonly practised by seniors in Hong Kong and it was commonly seen as an exercise for elderly. I am still in my 20s and yet I have been learning and practising Tai Chi for 3 years.
What is one bit of advice you would give to an aspiring artist like yourself? Something you've learned from experience along your journey?: Basics (like rhythm, shapes, values, contrast...etc) are important. Whenever you are stuck and lost in finding ways to improve, go back to the basics.
No need to be anxious in finding your art style so early. It is a result from the accumulation of experience in your journey of learning from various great artists.
Artistic achievements? This could include jobs, projects, awards, accolades, etc... Anything you consider significant in your art career.: Won an illustration contest held by a mobile app game called Destiny Child, which brought me to Japan, seen the great artists Hyung-tae Kim and KKuem in person and had the chance to talk to them.
The award winning illustration was being used in that mobile app game, which I am still playing now.